Friday 3 March 2017

Comments on the chronology of the Babylon 5 universe

Notes and commentary on the semi-established Babylon 5 timeline in the original "Sheridan" scenario, as broadcast:

7 billion years BCE-The first life forms to achieve sentience emerge. The First of these First Ones is called ‘Lorien’.

3.5 billion years BCE-The Shadows discover hyperspace.

7 million years BCE-The Vorlons discover hyperspace.

2 million years BCE-After centuries of war, the Hand are banished from this time and space, presumably into the distant future.

1 million years BCE:

-Most of the First Ones leave the Galaxy behind.

-The Vorlons and Shadows remain to watch over the younger races.

-Lorien settles in the catacombs deep within the continental crust of Z’ha’dum. His comments to Sheridan a million years later indicate that the Vorlon/ Shadow conflict stems from this time.

-The Minbari evolve into their current form. Canonical date given in episode; Sheridan indicates the Minbari civilisation is itself this old.

This period is an in-between time. Many younger civilizations emerge at this time and the Vorlons and Shadows respect each others spheres of influence.

Presumably this involves, on the part of the Vorlons, interfering with the genetic and technological development of planet-bound races, especially by building Jumpgates to stimulate development, and, on the Shadow’s part, destroying the fleets of space-faring races to encourage war, invasion and rebuilding.

35,000BCE-Beginning of First Age of Mankind when humans develop art, language and abstract thought.

20,000 BCE-The Soul Hunters are believed to have reached the apotheosis of their technological and social development.

9000 BCE:

-Agriculture first developed on Earth.

-Last 'Great War' occurs between the Vorlons and the Shadows.


-First definable cities built on Earth.

-The Jumpgate network is constructed. Canonical novel. 

c.1000BCE-Minbari caste system (Worker, Warrior and Religious) established. Minbari in Information Age.

c.780CE-The Great Machine is built on Epsilon 3.

c.800CE-After fifteen centuries of exploring space at sub-light speeds the Minbari Warrior Caste discover the Jumpgate network.

c.1050-After over two centuries, one of the Jumpgates is taken to Minbar.

c.1230-The last Xon dies on Centauri Prime.

1240-On Vorlon inspiration, the Minbari Worker Caste build a fleet of star ships.

1259-The Minbari first encounter the Shadows. With other races (including the Markeb?) they form the first Alliance of Light. Many of these races are wiped out by allies of the Shadows, while the Shadows themselves destroy the space-faring capability of many others, including the Markeb. After repeated invasions, the Ikarrans wipe themselves out.

-The last deep range base used by the Alliance is destroyed, then miraculously a replacement arrives with a ‘Minbari not born of Minbari’ aboard who calls himself ‘Valen’.
-Valen leads Minbari-led coalition against the Shadows.
-With many of their allies defeated, the Shadows establish a base on a sparsely populated area of Narn.
-The Shadows begin systematically wiping out Narn telepaths and their families.
-Narn pilots track the Shadow vessels and find their homeworld, Z’ha’dum, at the galaxy’s rim.
-Valen marries and has a child.

Although if Valen's appearance aboard Babylon 4 is an accident I doubt he'd be able to breed with a Minbari without using a Triluminary to transform himself. However, I would assume that, being Jeffery Sinclair, he would at least be able to speak Minbari so at least he would be accepted as one (maybe?), thus allowing for Valen to be a ‘Minbari not born of Minbari’.

-The Minbari birth rate begins to decline.
1261-Anticipating defeat, the Shadows seed their ships all over the Galaxy in anticipation of their eventual return/awakening.

-After visitations and instructions from the angelic being T’Lan, G’Quan and the surviving telepaths drive the Shadows from Narn.
-The Vorlons and several remaining First Ones "drive the Shadows from Z’ha’dum". Technically, they enter voluntary hibernation.
-Valen forms the Anlashok to guard against the Shadows' return.

 -Before disappearing, he forms the Grey Council to create balance between the three castes.

-First Centauri Technomages appear?
c.1522-The Centauri Republic is established as a Galactic Power. At this time the last Hyach-Do are exterminated and all records of their existence erased.

c.1780 -Epsilon 3 is now a dead world, or at least on the surface….

The Great Machine chooses Varn as its custodian.

2018-Lunar Colony founded. Canonical date given in episode.

2035-Peak Oil ends the dominance of the Internal Combustion Engine. Canonical date given in episode for the production of the last petrol-fuelled motorcycle.
2070-Semi-viable nuclear fusion developed for electricity production using deuterium-tritium reaction. Reactors last five years but produce a hundred times as much energy as nuclear fission.

Second Age of Mankind begins around this point when the Vorlons start introducing the ‘Telepath Gene’ into humans.

I'm going to leave the dates for significant events intact, but propose that Centauri contact is several decades earlier in the "alt Sheridan" scenario. Let's say the only canonical dated event is # and concerns the dissolution of the United Nations and the reason the Earth Alliance is founded.

Another assumption is provided by the author George Friedman in his book "The Next Hundred Years". It may shock people, but let us say that a global conflict develops in 2080. The combatants are, on one side, Turkey, Israel, Japan, (possibly) Pakistan and North Korea versus (specifically) China, USA and Russia. Iran, Serbia and Greece will be allied to Russia and it is likely India would be involved against its old enemy Pakistan.

The short ending is that the USA is able to end the conflict by detonating orbital EMP devices over the nuclear armed nations; cutting funding to Israel and Turkey and then offering EA membership to Israel and Japan. India, Russia and China perhaps become associate members.

Ending support for Israel angers the Christian Right in America. Several states threaten to secede but only Florida and California actually do so. Arizona, Alaska, Texas and New Mexico undergo a kind of semi-secession. This situation threatens the stability of America as a nation state.

The EA is called The Pact and is entirely secret at this point. It consists of Canada, the UK, South Africa, Israel, Japan, Germany and Russia. Technically, the USA isn't a full member after losing California and other states.

In the immediate aftermath of the war any possible launching site for the space programme is therefore outside federal jurisdiction. This is resolved by officially dissolving NASA and subsuming it into a front corporation-InterPlanetary Expeditions-thus allowing foreign investment and the use of facilities outside the US homeland because IPX/NASA is, officially, an international corporation.

I'm not sure it would be called either at this point however but names don't really matter. Let us call the new entity Extra-Planetary Expeditions, or just PX: Planetary Expeditions


-Earth Alliance set up by allied nations on Earth after World War Three. EA nations share intelligence on "Humans with Meta-Sensory Abilities", as telepaths and telekinetics are called at this time, share both military and civilian technology and have controlling interests in PX.

-The USA, Cuba, California and Ireland join the Earth Alliance, followed by the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Serbia, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and India. The EA is basically the official version of The Pact, both incarnations having the same function and organisational structure with new nations joining those original to The Pact.


-United States of America becomes the Associate States of America, then the Allied States of America, then just Allied Nations. All successive incarnations are entitled to control their borders, send senators to Washington and share a federal military. 
-Cuba, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Ireland join the Allied Nations. They are later joined by Panama, Gibraltar, Florida, the Isle of Man and the Falkland Islands.
-EA establishes the first of several research colonies on Mars.
-EA scientists confirm the existence of tachyons.

2090-Lagrange 1 space station built at the Lagrange point between the Earth and Moon.

2110-The United Nations is formally dissolved. 
2112-Anti-EA government elected in France # protesting the dissolution of United Nations. Canonical date given in episode.

2113-EA establishes new headquarters at Geneva and promises to maintain previous edicts prohibiting the militarisation of space. Norway, Switzerland and the remaining former EU nations join the EA as does China and Indonesia.

Roughly by this point, former parts of China and Russia have joined with North and South Korea to form the Eastern Bloc. China had also long since lost the western regions of Tibet and Xinjiang.

2114-The Allied Nations are incorporated into the Earth Alliance and PX sends out sleeper ships to explore beyond the solar system. As a guess I would say this is after WW3 and not long before the Mars and San Diego bombings.

2115-EA scientists confirm the existence of telepathic abilities in humans. The EA senate passes various laws to protect the privacy of its citizens and begins to track the genetic history of telepaths. Semi-canonical novel and comments made by Lyta Alexander in the television pilot.

2120-San Diego and the largest Mars colony are destroyed in simultaneous acts of nuclear terrorism.

2130 to 2169:

-MetaPOL and MetaGuild are established as precursors to Psi Corps

-Humans first contacted openly by another race: the Centauri.

-The Centauri provide Earth with a Jumpgate.

-The first human colonists arrive on Mars via the Earth Jumpgate in the first jump-capable ship built by humans.
-Establishment of the first permanent Martian colony (although many net sources give July 2169, the 200th anniversary of the Lunar Landings-this could be the date of the largest migration of 600 colonists)
-First human Technomages emerge along with a hundred alien-inspired cults, including Foundationism.  Canonical date given in episode

-(Under Shadow influence?), the Psi Corps is formally established to monitor and regulate the activities of human telepaths. Telepaths are now required to join the Psi Corps, take drugs weekly to suppress their abilities or face prison. Telepaths are barred from regular military service. Canonical date of 2261 given in episode.

2170-Europa and Ganymede colonized.

2171-Earth Alliance sets up its first extra-solar colony on Proxima 3. More follow in the succeeding decades.

2173-Psi Corps establishes a secret research facility in Syria Planum on Mars, partly to get around the ban on military bases.

2174-‘Mundanes’ working on the foundations and life support for the Psi Corps base left stranded on Mars build New Vegas and Flintown. Demands for Martian autonomy stem from this point.

2175-Human separatists establish a colony Regula 4, eschewing modern technology in favour of hand tools and farming.

2177-Terrorist attack destroys Mars Dome One, killing most of the original colonists. During reconstruction, the Psi Corps establishes its main academy in Mars One.

2178-For security reasons, the Earth Jumpgate is dismantled and construction of the Io Jumpgate and Transfer Point begins.

It would be consistent if there always was a Jumpgate near Io, if races like the Soul Hunters could visit Earth in the past. The Centauri simply dismantled this Gate and reconstructed it in Earth's orbit. This is consistent with their behaviour and contact was likely timed to make sure contact was before Earth began exploring the outer planets.

c.2180-The Centauri begin the strip-mining of Narn, completely destroying its ecosystem. The Narns begin to resist violently with sporadic attacks taking place all over occupied territory.

2208 to 2228: The Centauri are slowly driven off the Narn home world and colonies by the Narn Resistance.

2212-President Kyoshi of the Eastern Bloc is killed in office three days after the end of the War of the Shining Star by soldiers who fought for the opposition in the civil war. Canonical date given in episode.


-With the Eastern and African Blocs (presumably?) joining the Earth Alliance, Earth has a united planetary government for the first time.  

-Earth Force personnel switch from slugthrowers to PPGs.

2230-Facing destruction with their sun about to go Nova, the Dilgar begin an invasion of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Canonical date given in episode.
2232-The Dilgar are driven back to their home system, their Jumpgate is destroyed and their supply of quantium-40 is confiscated by Earth Force. Earth begins construction of its fleet of Jumpgate-building ‘Explorer’-class starships. The EA is now a major military power.

2235-Extinction of the Dilgar with the destruction of their sun.

2241-A human, Stephen Franklin, is the first to have direct contact with Minbari.

October 2243-An Earth vessel encounters a Minbari ship and support vessels. Believing they were under attack, the vessel opens fire on the Minbari, killing Dukhat, leader of the Grey Council.

June 2245-The Earth-Minbari War begins when the Minbari attack the first colony within thirty light years from Earth.

October 2245-Earth’s only victory during the war occurs when Lt. Commander John Sheridan of the EAS-Lexington destroys the ‘Black Star’ in an ambush by mining the Asteroid Belt with tactical nukes and sending a fake distress signal.

2247-Mars declares itself neutral in the Earth-Minbari War.
December 2247-The Battle of the Line ends with the Minbari mysteriously surrendering. After the war the Senate imposes an embargo on Mars, resulting in food riots.


-Food riots on Mars end with the imposition of an Earth-selected Provisional Government.

-‘Free Mars’ grows in numbers and begins to use violence to achieve its aims.

-IPX, or InterPlanetary Expeditions, is set up as a front corporation for a secret EA bio-weapons research group. As indicated I would assume a much earlier date for this.

2249-The first Babylon diplomatic and trade station is built, but its superstructure is destroyed by sabotage, as are numbers two and three.

2253 to 2257:

-Psi Corps secretly instigate a sleeper agent program, inserting hidden Artificial Personalities into the personnel of various EA departments.

-IPX uncover a buried Shadow vessel on Mars, Psi Corps become involved in its recovery. Michael Garibaldi observes part of this event and retrieves a Psi Corps insignia. It takes him and Jeffrey Sinclair, an Earth Force officer he was transporting, fifty miles to walk back to civilization after the shuttle Garibaldi was piloting crashes.

(2254) Babylon 4, the largest of the five Babylon stations, disappears 24 hours after coming on-line.

-Psi Cop Alfred Bester founds ‘Black Omega’ squadron, with Byron Gordon as his protégé.

(December 25th 2256) Babylon 5 comes on-line.

(January 2257) Kosh Naranek of the Vorlon Empire arrives on Babylon 5, the last ambassador to arrive from the four major federations.

-An InterPlanetary Expeditions mission lands on Z’ha’dum

-The Shadows awaken from hibernation

-Dawn of the Third Age of Mankind.

-Earth Alliance has thirty colonies and outposts in over two dozen solar systems. Some are mining colonies or used for food/ fertilizer production while Beta 7 appears to be mainly used as a prison planet-cum-mental institution.

-Earth’s population is nearly ten billion.

-The Death Penalty is still in place, but only for treason and mutiny involving the attempted or actual murder of a superior officer by serving Earth Force personnel. The penalty for mutiny is usually death by spacing-the perpetrator is shown the nearest airlock minus a breather unit. Murder is usually dealt with by ‘death of personality’.

-A volunteer in Psi Corps experiments, Jason Ironheart is now a P15 and ‘no longer what you or I would consider entirely human’.

-The Shadows return in numbers to Z’ha’dum.

-Catherine Sakai is the first human to knowingly come into contact with First Ones.

-Alisa Beldon, a telepath, is the first human to live on Minbar.

-Drall, a Minbari, takes custody of the Great Machine on Epsilon 3 after the death of Varn.

-The EAS-Cerberus is destroyed by an unknown vessel. Its sole survivor is Ensign Matthew Gideon. He is saved by a Technomage known as Galen.
-Commander Sinclair and security chief Micheal Garibaldi rescue the crew of Babylon 4 when it suddenly returns.

I would hypothesise that, were it to be known that O'Hare would leave, the plot could be altered so that Sinclair disappears into the past by accident in this episode. This then allows for the organic introduction of a replacement.

-An incurable plague infects inhabitants of the Markeb homeworld. After spreading to other colonies and outposts, the Markeb die out.

December 31st:

 -The Narn outpost at Quadrant 37 is attacked by an unknown party acting on behalf of Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari.
-Babylon 5 Security Chief Michael Garibaldi uncovers a plot to assassinate the EA President. Earth Force One explodes near Io Transfer Point, killing Earth Alliance President Louis Santiago.
-Vice President Morgan William Clark is sworn in as President. The Minbari inform him of their belief that Minbari souls are being reincarnated in human bodies.


-Ambassador G'kar leaves Babylon 5 to investigate the Quadrant 37 attack.
-Minbari Ambassador to Babylon 5 Delenn begins her transformation into a half-human Minbari using the Triluminary to address the imbalance in Minbari souls.
-Around this time, the Shadows infiltrate the Psi Corps. Or at least Edgars blames Clark for letting this happen via his connection with the Shadows.

-While Earth Ambassador to Minbar, former B5 Commander Jeffrey Sinclair trains the next generation of Rangers.

While it would be understandable for Sinclair to travel to Minbar to be the new EA ambassador, this plotline would be better covered in the first year of B5; being that Sinclair is sent to Minbar after being framed for trying to kill Kosh and slowly discovers the truth about himself and why the Minbari surrendered. I'm not totally convinced that Sinclair would be accepted by the Minbari and then given a position of authority so soon after.

I find it more likely that the majority of the Anlashok would be effectively drafted into the Minbar war effort against the Earth Alliance. The Anlashok/Rangers are then only restored to their former numbers when Sheridan and Delenn form the Interstellar Alliance, as a peace keeping and intelligence body.

A second possibility is that it is Ivanova who relocates to Minbar, perhaps to avoid being exposed as a latent telepath in "Divided Loyalties". Through this she finds out about the Shadows and Rangers. The alt Sheridan scenario could have her replacing the Marcus Cole character and being the individual who warns Garibaldi about the Shadows. She later commands B5 under IA President John Sheridan.  

-Outbreak of war between the Centauri Republic and the Narn Regime after an apparent attack on the Narn colony/ outpost in Quadrant 14 by Centauri forces. The war is ended six months later when the Shadows intercept a Narn attack on Gorash 7, the Centauri’s main supply base, while the Centauri Navy attack Narn itself using Mass Drivers to bombard Narn cities with asteroids.

-Clark sets up several ministries to spy on the activities and opinions of EA citizens and serving Earth Force personnel, specifically Nightwatch.
-Clark attempts to extend the definition of treason to include attempted murder while, on Earth, petty criminals and the homeless are locked away for life in mental institutions. Semi-canonical novel and comments made to Sheridan by Julie Musante about Clark's New Order in "Voices of Authority".
-Near total extinction of the Markeb.

-Lyta Alexander, the first telepath to scan a Vorlon, escapes the Psi Corps, uncovers Talia Winters as the sleeper agent on B5 and makes her way to the Vorlon homeworld in the space of a few months.

-New Alliance formed to fight the Shadows. It first consists of Michael Garibaldi, B5 Governor Captain John Sheridan, Delenn, the Rangers and Drall/ The Great Machine.

-‘White Star’-class cruiser designed and built by elements in the Religious and Worker Minbari castes using Vorlon organic technology.


-B5 Commander Susan Ivanova uncovers evidence showing President Clark admitting responsibility for Santiago’s assassination.

- Martial Law is declared on Earth and the Senate dissolved after the EAS Agamenmon apparently destroys an alien ship above Jupiter.

-Mars is bombed when the Provisional Government refuses to enact Martial Law.

-In solidarity with Mars, Proxima 3 colony and Babylon 5, under the command of Captain John Sheridan, secede from the Earth Alliance. Battle of Euphrates.

-Ranger One Jeffrey Sinclair travels one thousand years back in time on Babylon 4. Delenn takes over as head of the Rangers.

In the altered Sheridan scenario, this episode could be set at the end of 2261.

By sending Babylon 4 back the Shadows are defeated semi-permanently. The events of 2261 are then transferred to 2262, the final televised series of B5. This shows the destruction of Z'ha'dum by Lyta Alexander, the Earth Alliance civil war and the formation of the IA. The Rangers are commissioned as peacekeepers.  Note that Sinclair need not actually stay on B4 to pilot the station as Zathras can just as easily fill this role.
-The Shadows openly attack Brakiri space.

-The Alliance of Light, using the recently revealed White Star fleet and using telepaths to jam Shadow vessels, has its first victory against the Shadows.


-Vorlon and Shadow forces confront each other indirectly by attacking each others allies and bases of operation. This results in planetary destruction and casualties on the scale of the Dilgar invasion. Extinction of the civilization of Zander Prime.

-The Centauri occupation of Narn and the Last Shadow War ends when the last of the First Ones leave the Galaxy after Battle of Coriana 6.

-Interstellar Alliance founded after the Earth Alliance Civil War ends when President Clark commits suicide. Mars finally granted independence.

-Ivanva promoted to Captain and given command of one of the first ‘Warlock’-class Destroyers.


-Byron Gordon reveals publicly that human, and most alien, telepaths were created by the Vorlons through generations of genetic manipulation.

-Centauri War and first Fall of Centauri Prime. Combined Drazi and Narn assault on Centauri Prime after Centauri forces under the Prince Regent’s control attack members of the Interstellar Alliance. Postponed to 2278 in alternate "Sheridan" scenario.

-As prophesied, Londo Mollari becomes Emperor.

-It is revealed that the attacking Centauri warships were ‘piloted’ by left-over Shadow technology.

-Lyta realizes the extent and purpose of the abilities the Vorlons gave her. Her Psi rating is at least 14.


-Telepath War ends with the disbanding of the Psi Corps. Lyta Alexander is one of the casualties. Bester escapes justice.

-John Matheson, formerly of Psi Corps, joins Earth Force. He is the first telepath to achieve the rank of Lieutenant and serves as Gideon’s First Officer aboard the Excalibur.

2267-Drakh release a biogenetic plague on the Earth. The Rangers and the crew of the prototype destroyer ‘Excalibur’, under the command of Matthew Gideon, search the Galaxy for a cure.


-Cure found but a twenty-year-old conspiracy is uncovered involving reverse-engineered Shadow technology and the destruction of the Cerberus.

 -It is also revealed that the Technomages use Shadow technology.

2271-Bester is captured and put on trial for war crimes. Canonical novel.


-Second Fall of Centauri Prime.

-Death of Londo Mollari and G'kar at each other's hands. Canonical date given in multiple episodes.

-Second Drakh crisis. Drakh driven off Centauri Prime but massive civilian casualties result.

-Vir Cotto becomes Emperor.

All the events in this year would be clearer if incorporated with the Centauri War scenario in 2262, culminating in the capture of Delenn and Sheridan alongside Londo's death as part of the alt Sherdian scenario.

2281-Death of former IA President John Sheridan, Susan Ivanova takes over as Ranger Number One, Babylon 5 station destroyed in a controlled demolition.

2761-Second Earth Alliance civil war results in the “Great Burn”. Canonical date given in episode.

Most of humanity is reduced to a medieval level.

4th millennium-Rangers and the Interstellar Alliance restore contact with Earth.

1 million CE-Humans finally admitted to Vorlon homeworld. Humanity settles “New Earth” before Sol goes Nova. Canonical date given in episode. Humanity's ultimate destination is indicated by both Jason Ironheart and Lyta Alexander.

200 billion CE-The Hand are transferred to this point in time, when most stars are now dead.

(Or should this be two hundred trillion years in the future?)


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