Monday 13 February 2017

Valen Prime

Further to the events described in previous posts I think it best to provide a full chronological sequence of events. I think it is also important to clarify the importance of humanity in saving the Minbari both as a species and a civilisation.

In 2262 Sinclair and Delenn travel back in time, intending to take the previous Babylon Station forward as a replacement/supplement to Babylon 5. They return to 2267 in the White Star, leaving Zathras to pilot B4.

The second Earth-Minbari War quickly turns into a conflict between anti-Shadow telepaths and the Minbari Warrior Caste, with Clark loyalists on the side of the former and the Shadows fighting alongside the latter. 

I would also make Londo Mollari secretly responsible for the Centauri-ISA War. This would take place in the year of Londo's death at the hands of G'kar in 2278. He initiates hostilities in order to remove the Drakh presence on Centauri Prime without initiating a civil war and arousing suspicions among his Drakh keepers.

1260 CE: A replacement supply base miraculously appears during the last Shadow War, allowing the Minbari to successfully prosecute their war against the Shadows.

-Valen leads Minbari-led coalition against the Shadows.

1261-He marries and has a child.

1262-Valen forms the Anlashok to guard against the Shadows' return.

1264-Before disappearing, he forms the Grey Council to create balance between the three castes.

2245 to 2249 CE: Earth-Minbari War.

-Conflict ends when Minbari surrender* at the Battle of the Line. They do not give a reason.

2251: Construction begins on the first of the Babylon stations.

2254: Shortly after being constructed, Babylon 4 disappears.

2257: Vorlon Ambassador Kosh arrives at Babylon 5.


-Sinclair and Garibaldi rescue the crew of Babylon 4 when it suddenly returns.

-William Morgan Clark becomes President of the Earth Alliance after the death of his predecessor. The Minbari inform him of their belief that Minbari souls are being reincarnated as humans.

-An incurable plague infects inhabitants of the Markeb homeworld. After spreading to other colonies and outposts, the Markeb die out.

2259: New Centauri Emperor launches "pre-emptive" war against Narn Regime after the murder of the previous emperor's son and Prime Minister.


-Death Cloud surrounds Narn homeworld, effectively ending Narn-Centauri conflict.

-Vorlons respond against Shadow attacks by destroying planets housing Shadow bases.

-Gaim and Brakiri representatives ask Sinclair for Earth Alliance aid. The result is President Clark disbands the Senate and declares martial law. Officially, the Minbari are responsible for the attacks.

-Kosh is assassinated, Vorlons cease their attacks.

-Telepath colony established on Babylon 5, much to Garibaldi's disapproval. He resigns and begins work in the private sector.

-Doctor Steven Franklin goes "Walkabout".

-Zack Allan replaces Garibaldi as Chief of Security.

-The Shadows establish a significant base on Centauri Prime.

-White Star prototype arrives carrying Marcus Cole and Lyta Alexander.

-"Ship of Tears"; Bester arrives on the station requesting aid against a mutual enemy. Using the White Star, Sinclair, Bester and Lyta rescue two hundred and fifty cybernetically-enhanced telepaths in stasis. Sinclair and G'kar realise the Shadows are vulnerable to telepaths and hope to use telepath aboard their own vessels to block telepathic interference.

-Garibaldi is kidnapped by Talia Winters and human Shadow agents during a business trip to Mars. Justin and Morden give him the Shadows' version of events and motives then send him to Bester to be brainwashed.

-Leaving Ivanova in charge, Sinclair, Zathras and Delenn use the Great Machine on Epsilon 3 to travel back in time.

-Ivanova organises the Rangers and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds into a fighting force against the Shadows. She has aid from the Narn, who provide reinforcements for security on the station and some of their surviving warships.

-Lennir and Sakai join the Rangers and become lovers, special dispensation given for non-Warrior caste Minbari and humans to join on recommendation by Delenn and Kosh (2259), later Sinclair and G'kar (2262) also.

-Epsilon 3 is used to re-locate refugees.

-Earth-Minbari War restarts after renegade Minbari and an Earth Force task force launch a simultaneous assault on Babylon 5, resulting in the station's evacuation and destruction.

-Ivanova relocates personnel and residents to Epsilon 3 after setting the local Jumpgate to overload. This desperate measure destroys several Earth cruisers, cripples a number of destroyers and prevents reinforcements from arriving.

2263 to 2268:

-Minbari Worker caste begins construction of the White Star fleet and Franklin resurfaces after being almost killed. After a brief sabbatical, he returns to duty.

-With the Shadows distracted by the second Minbari war, the Vorlons begin attacks on the colonies of neutral planets, seemingly in order to force neutral parties to choose sides in the vast conflict. Millions of civilians are killed and displaced.

-Babylon 4 is recovered. It soon replaces Babylon 5 as "Babylon Prime" and begins a two and-a-half year long voyage to the nearest intact Jumpgate (assuming B4 can reach speeds of 1/5th c and the next Jumpgate is six light months distant).

-A brainwashed Michael Garibaldi returns to Babylon prime

-Vir Cotto assassinates Centauri Emperor Cartagia on Narn. Londo frees Narn and rids Centauri Prime of the Shadows when he becomes Prime Minister.

-President Clark re-establishes the senate and gives it most of its former powers. His nominated members are slowly replaced by elected members.

-Sinclair and Delenn return in the White Star. Sakai gives birth to Lennir's child.

-The Shadows are defeated openly during Sinclair's absence but the conflict creates a civil war in Psi Corps and conflict between the Religious and Warrior Minbari Castes. Edgars' Industries unleashes an anti-telepath virus. All telepaths on Mars are infected.

-Admittance is given for former EarthForce officers to join the Rangers, partly to increase membership and partly to encourage defections from Clark's military.

-Sinclair's outing as Valen ends the Minbari Caste War. Minbari Warriors begin to re-join the Rangers and members of the Worker and Religious are now also allowed to join the order as full members. Previously, the roles of the other two castes were limited to ship maintenance, medical support and supervising combat training.

-Ivanova, Franklin, Lennir, G'kar and Londo found the Interstellar Alliance, with Babylon Prime, Epsilon 3, Narn and the Minbari Federation as founding members. Most former League worlds eventually join also, the show of solidarity finally ending the Vorlon rampage.

-Lyta removes Garibaldi's brainwashing. He briefly re-joins station security but then leaves to become an advisor to the Narn Regime. Zack remains Chief of Security.

-Humans, Drazi and Narn are permitted to join the Rangers.


-Londo Mollari becomes Centauri Emperor.

-The re-established Earth Alliance senate requests aid from the ISA and Rangers in finding a cure to the telepath virus.

-Mars joins the ISA as an independent member. It retains ties to Earth but is no longer ruled by the Earth Alliance senate. Its citizens can still vote in presidential elections and join Earth Force.

-The Centauri Republic and Narn Regime formally join the ISA.

-All citizens of ISA planets can now join the Rangers.

-Londo sends Vir Cotto to Babylon Prime as his ambassador. Secretly, Vir also organises an anti-Drakh rebellion. 

-Lyta Alexander destroys Z'ha'dum, the Shadow homeworld by telepathically initiating planetary self-destruct. This convinces the Vorlons and other remaining First Ones to leave the galaxy. It also thwarts Bester's hopes of removing the Shadow implants from his lover and finding a cure to the telepath virus.

-Clark commits suicide after the Shadows leave.

-The Earth Alliance joins the ISA and abolishes the Psi Corps.


-Sinclair and Delenn return in the White Star.

-Sakai gives birth to Lennir's child.

-Sinclair and Delenn marry during Delenn's first pregnancy. They are captured during the 2278 war against the Centauri Republic and (secretly) Drakh.

2271: Lyse Hampton-Edgars hires Garibaldi to find her missing-and wanted on charges of attempted genocide-husband William.

2272: The Narn Regime re-locates to the Markab homeworld. With the absence of technology on Narn, most of the Shadow telepaths are relocated there in the hopes of their eventual rehabilitation. A number of so-called free telepaths, mostly part of the Byron Movement on Babylon Prime, are also allowed to settle there as caretakers.

2274: The Rangers aid Garibaldi in apprehending William Edgars. During his trial, Lise divorces him and marries Michael Garibaldi. They later have a daughter and settle on Mars, with occasional business trips and holidays to Earth and Babylon Prime. 

2275: Londo nominates Vir Cotto as Centauri Prime Minister. He uses his new position to  secretly relocate civilians away from military targets close to the capital. He also encourages military cadets to join the Rangers.


-A series of random attacks is blamed on the Centauri Republic, causing it to be expelled from the ISA.

-Vir becomes the new Centauri Emperor after Londo's death and agrees to pay reparations to Alliance members for their losses.

-A new class of destroyers is developed by the ISA using some of the reparation funds to replace the White Stars lost in various conflicts and campaigns.

-Thirty out of the two hundred and fifty implanted telepaths remain in stasis. Some are used to sabotage the unmanned Centauri warships used in the war while the remainder are used against the Drakh in a similar fashion, being secretly smuggled aboard awaiting activation. On activation, the telepaths instantly try to interface with any available technology, causing irreparable damage to a ship's systems.

2280: Centauri aid ISA during conflict with Drakh hordes. They are re-admitted in 2282.

(Note added 15.2.2017)
*Query: what does this surrender actually mean? Is Minbar actually occupied and/or the military as in the Warrior Caste disarmed or disbanded? Does this explain how Delenn and Sinclair could have know each other long enough to have a close friendship and how so many humans join the Rangers much earlier than I would have imagined i.e. early enough to be a presence on Babylon 5 in 2259 ?

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