Babylon 5: Questions Answered and Unanswered part 2
25. Sheridan as Kosh/Kosh as Sheridan. If this is the case and Kosh is a future Sheridan travelling backward into the past this does explain both why Kosh knows so much about the Human residents of B5 and why at the same time he seems to know so little about Humanity in general. If we accept that, for example the Kosh in 2258, has Sheridan's knowledge from 2259 to 2281 then we can see why he would, for example, be so concerned with Talia Winters. He would know about the sleeper agent built into her subconscious and would create a back-up Talia in the eventuality that the sleeper agent becomes dominant. The recording of a traumatic memory-i.e. when Talia scanned the Martian criminal-could be sufficient to do this.
26. Majors, Lieutenant Commanders and Sector Captains. With the apparent interchangable use of army and navy ranks in Earth Force the question begs: which ranks are simply titles or equivalent ranks and which are the 'real' ranks?
27. Is Captain a particular rank or does it simply cover commanders of bases or carrier groups? Is Major a rank in both Navy and Marines/do they just have the same ranks or does the rank refer to an officer acting on behalf of a Flag Officer (or even the President e.g. Leanna Kemmer) or their subaltern e.g. Ed Ryan?
28.'Sector Captain' is mentioned in 'The Gathering', similarly, in the US Coast Guard, 'Sector Commander' is equivalent to 'Captain' in the Navy. Perhaps Commander Sinclair is meant to occupy a position similar to a Sector Commander? Which makes sense considering B5's position in neutral space both as a free port and early warning system in case of an invasion of the Earth Alliance. Similarly, Garibaldi could have the rank of Command Master Chief Petty Officer; as opposed to Chief Warrant Officer (which I suppose would imply the presence of more than one Warrant Officer on the station)
29. As both 'Commander' and 'Sector Captain' are mentioned, perhaps 'Sector Captain' is equivalent to the rank of 'Commander' in the space navy? Regards to the US Coast Guard, 'Commander' refers to the rank of Captain or Rear Admiral. 'Captain' also refers to any officer of junior rank who commands a ship.
30.There are 10 pay grades for commissioned officers (USCG) covering:the four junior ranks (Ensign,Lieutenant Junior Grade,Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander); the two positions of Commander and Commodore; plus Flag Officers: Rear-Admiral (upper and lower), Vice-Admiral and Admiral.
Considering the actual ranks portrayed, being no Admirals on-screen and officers such as 'Commander' Galus and 'Lieutenant Commander' Takashima being referred to as simply 'Lieutenant' and also being consistent with Captain Lochley's promotion to Colonel ('Lost Tales'):
Second Lieutenant
Captain, from commander of a corvette or small outpost to that of a fleet division
(below Lieutenant-General, above Major)
Lieutenant Commander, e.g. the head of department on an outpost
[i.e Garibaldi-head security, Laurel Takashisma/Susan Ivanova-head station operations, Dr Stephen Franklin-head of Medlab
(Lieutenant or above)
32. Re.'The Deconstruction of Falling Stars'-when did Sheridan, Delenn, Garibaldi and Franklin have their neural pathways/personalities mapped and stored and was this done post-mortem? Similarly, did this have their consent and was this a common practice,perhaps initially used by Psi Corps (this is implied somewhat in 'Dust to Dust') and then brought into wider knowledge when Psi Corps was disbanded?
33.Note: usually only Lieutenant Generals are seen leading fleets in Earth Force.
34.How advanced is Narn genetic engineering, as G'kar (a Narn) seems perfectly convinced he can successfully impregnate Lyta (a Human)? He has had gills implanted so he can obtain oxygen in some of the more noxious atmosphere's of the alien sector, why not further 'modifications'. Or is Human/Narn compatibility a result of Vorlon genetic engineering?
35.Is it possible that the Minbari and Centauri are the only races to have naturally evolved telepathy? Delenn seems somewhat telepathic, albeit on a very superficial level, and universal telepathy in the Centauri could result in universal precognition?
36.I assume all Drazi are hermaphrodites?
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